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Coronavirus Update 3 | October 2020 | Dutch Students and Quarantine | New Government Measures

Writer's picture: Sparkle TogetherSparkle Together

In this blog, we will talk about the latest covid-19 developments in the Netherlands. Quick summary guys, there is no good news. We screwed up really bad. So, to know more about the latest numbers and the safety measures deployed by the Dutch government, please keep on watching. Also, please subscribe to our youtube channel if you haven't already.

It is the season of fall. Soon it will be Halloween and Diwali. These days are important to remember because in this pandemic festivals are the only source of positivity. Coronavirus had almost packed its bags and was ready to leave us in peace, but then the summer arrived, and we all wanted the much-needed breath of fresh air. We travelled, used public transports, hardly followed the safety distances and other preventive measures and now here we are.

The second wave of coronavirus was not a piece of surprising information. We all knew that it was going to happen, and, lo and behold, our country is one of the worst-hit by the pandemic. We have linked the blog that we released on 31st of May this year to give you the update. That blog was so hopeful. The cases were low, and the lockdown was starting to ease out. You can compare the two blogs to see the difference in the two scenarios.

Home rules

For your own safety, you are advised to not allow more than 3 visitors a day. As soon as you come home from outside, please wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds and keep all the clothes separately. Try and sanitize all the outside products or leave them alone for a few hours.

Travel rules

Please travel only if possible. Try to work from home as much as possible. If you have to go outside, please use your own vehicle if you can. If you have to take public transport, wearing a mask is compulsory. Also, when in public, please avoid removing your mask at all costs. Do not remove it to sneeze, yawn, cough, at least try not to. Cover your mouth with your elbows if you have to remove the mask. Refrain from all handshakes, go Indian and practice Namaste. If you are travelling abroad, please consider the travelling instructions laid out by the Dutch government. We have provided the link below for your ease. At all costs, try to avoid travelling to the red zone areas.

Schools and colleges

Most of the colleges are following the online education system if possible. We are not going to the university campus. If you have to visit your campus for any reason, it is compulsory to wear a mask when you are not in a classroom.

Shops and supermarkets

All the shops and supermarkets are open. However, all the shops will close at 8 PM. The closing times do not apply to the supermarkets and other stores that sell groceries. No alcohol will be sold after 8 PM, not even in supermarkets. You are also not allowed to drink alcohol in public places.

Restaurants, cafes and markets

All the restaurants and cafes are now closed. You can however order take-outs. So yes, gone are the summer days where you can visit a place, sit on the sunny street and enjoy your food. It is all back to online delivery. Farmers markets and theatres will be open but they will have to follow the social distancing and sanitization rules. Masks are compulsory.

Leisure activities

If say you have to visit a gym or a museum, you will need to make an advanced booking. Currently, no more than 30 people are permitted in a room. Thus, if you want to visit these places, you will have to make a reservation. If you are going out in a group, then the group should not contain more than 4 people or one whole household. And again, it is advised to wear masks all the time.

It is very important to get tested if you feel shortness in breath, loss of smell or taste, or you have a fever. Please reach out to your nearest GP and ask for professional help. Do not leave your house and self isolate yourself from the family members. Until you get your test results, you and your family should stay at home. If you are tested positive, please let everyone in your circle know so that others who have been in contact with you can get themselves tested.

All of these measures were applied on the 14th of October. Hopefully, this system of lockdown will help us change the mind of this novel coronavirus. Maybe it will soon decide to leave us at peace. Of course, the holidays will be here soon and for us Indians, the festivities have already begun with Navratri. So let's pray for a corona-free world and hope for the best. If you want to talk to us about this, about your future as a Dutch student, do not hesitate to contact us. We always respond to all our viewers. Be safe guys.




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